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About Zarar & Asma, Owners

The rumors are 100% true. The Lofts at 909 have been sold. Sold to a local family man who is working on making a historic landmark only better. Shaped by his love for the community, dedication to superior customer service, and more this new owner is determined to do great!



Twenty-Five years ago a family came to the Harrisburg community and has relentlessly pursued successfully at making the area a better place for all.  Zarar and Asma, new owners of the Lofts at 909, has always loved the  friendly, diverse, friends that make up the area.  There is so much to  enjoy around the area from the savory food at the  local restaurants to the peaceful walks along the river Zarar and his family never grow tired of Harrisburg.


The medical field has been a strong inspirational force behind Zarar’s decision to purchase the Lofts at 909 as well as his leadership goals for the community. Zarar has been a practicing physician for the last 25 years and operates a home health care company with a few other branches and a sleep lab- all of which are in Pennsylvania. The proximity to the area hospitals drew the attention of Zara first and foremost as he knew that traveling nurses and  physicians could have another option for temporary housing - additionally there were so many other things close by anyone could come here and be happy. 


When Zarar began really considering this purchase he was impressed with the building- the exterior still looked like the old school house it once was, of course there were modern safety features added. The inside was totally modernized and rehabbed and offered a very solid structure and such a find was too rare for the area. He did not plan to change any of this, only make it better. 


Each employee in his medical office knows and can define quality of service. The company defines Quality of Service as  the importance and value of treating each patient the same way you would want to be treated or that you would want your family member treated. In addition to providing  short and long term rentals to the community, Zarar will also ensure each customer gets the same exceptional care and service from his staff they would want shown. How will this be seen? The owner promises that each person who enters the property from a contract worker to a potential resident to a resident to even a visitor will all be shown unforgettable customer service and in all aspects at all times the property will be top notice. 


Exceptional schools and unique work opportunities A place that is divine to raise a family and second to none medical care make this community the best says Zarar. Following the family footsteps his eldest kids recently graduated from Philadelphia Medical Schools. His youngest one is also on year two.  Zarar definitely welcomes anyone to come and see what they are doing to the Lofts downtown and to meet anyone he doesn’t know yet. 

Friends Bowling Night

what is there to do? 

Just moved here? Thinking of moving here? It is always nice to know just what is near your neighborhood  as far as dining and entertainment. So, we have compiled a great list of foods, adventures and health type places near us!

Not to ruin the surprise below you will find ratings on our community very pleasant. 

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